Veterans Day Paintings

Capture your Veterans legacy through Ray Simon's Veterans Day Collection. Keep scrolling for more prints!

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Hover over the image to see the Personalized Print!

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  • Step 1: Select your painting

    Find your favorite Ray Simon painting. There is a painting for every branch of the military and many of the battles they fought in. Click on the one you feel best represents your hero!

  • Step 2: Select your print style

    Each of our giclee prints come in different styles. There are mats that border the prints or framed canvas version. Select which style best suits you!

  • Step 3: Select Personalized Oval

    If you want to personalize your print select Yes on Personalized Oval Option! This will create a drop down menu for the final step!

  • Step 4: Upload your Heroes image, Name and Rank

    Finally, click on Choose File and pick your favorite picture of your hero. Then select the inscription you want and last type in the Veterans Name, Rank, and Branch! Then proceed to check out and we will send your custom print!

  • The Final Product

    Congratulations! You have created a gift for your hero that honors their legacy and can be passed down for generations!

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Why Buy a Personalized Print!

I started off my Veterans Day Collection over 20 years ago with this print "A Nation Remembers."

This painting was inspired by my father Patrick Simon, who was a member of the 101st Airborne and a WWII Veteran.

My Dad's stories inspired my art and made me want to honor all of those brave soldiers who have sacrificed so much for our country.

A Personalized Print doesn't just tell the history of WWII or Vietnam, it incorporates the image of your personal hero to tell their story.

I've given away thousands of Personalized Prints to families of fallen heroes and every one of your purchases goes to ensuring we can continue to honor their memories!

A Nation Remembers